
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weigh In Day. Week 1

Weigh in day has come. I've lost nearly 2kgs this week.
I have had a few slip ups with my food. But I haven't let that stop me. (Like I normally would) I am feeling the clothes I wear not quite so tight.
And today I have added in the personal trainer. I did a half hour session and I'm feeling rather knackered now. But I have to remind myself it's a good thing.


I knew the journey wouldn't be with out its struggles.
Night shift made it hard for me. I'm used to snacking during the night. And drinking lots of tea/coffee.
Monday night I didn't do so well. Tuesday night I snacked on rock melon. And fruit & nut mix. Drank more water and went ok.
The key definitely is planning !!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 5

Wow. Where did those days go?
I have been going quite well. I haven't been perfect. But I have done well!
Sunday we went to sizzler for lunch and I stuck mainly to salads. And fruit. With water to drink. And even for dinner last night I stuck to my shake and water. While everyone else around me had yummy food.
I have had loads of water.
I am finding not eating hard. I guess cause its such a habit to snack. So I've armed myself with bottles of water instead. It's all about being prepared!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Remember how I said I have tried many diets??
This is an example of one that failed. And not because the product didn't work because it didn't make it out of the bag!!!
Had the appointment. Got the stuff and that's as far as I got. What a waste of money!!
Oh well you live and learn.
Also the mind set. You really have to be IN the right frame of mind to do this. It isn't just something u take on the side. U have to be fully committed to succeeding.
My mind frame is set. I want this.
I am willing to do what it takes to reach my goal.
I now have on my phone (which is always with me) a photo album called inspiration. There are photos there, so when I start to slip or be tempted, I can refocus.


I LOVE my Sweets!! 

Today when I called into the shops, I found it really hard walking through, past the donut shop, no milkshake, no soft drink.. muffins, mmmmm the yummy food.. It was so hard.. its habit really (No wonder I am the weight I am) 
I pushed thru, and realised when I am in these situations I need a reminder.. at home its easy to have pictures up, but with me? So I figured I should change the photo on my phone. I went and copied a heap of pics onto my phone into the folder called inspiration. So everytime I feel tempted, I know where to go.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 1 - Isagenix

I have done my weigh in, measurements..

I found it really hard not eating breakfast.. I had the chocolate shake, which was "ok" colder water will definately help LOL

I had my snack,I've had a vanilla shake for lunch (much easier to drink, cold water maybe?)

Dinner... we are having a salad.
I have drunk over 2ltrs of water now.
I have struggled today. Right now it definitely IS the mind over matter.

How Many???

Ok.. How many weight loss programs are out there..... too many! 
I have tried too many to count! 

I had great success with Lori, I failed at the 12wbt.. 
I am now working full time (shift worker) studying full time, and mum to 5 kids so time to focus on ME is really hard! 

The new venture is Isagenix.. it is portable.. and I am going to go at it for 3mo. 
this video was the hit home to me: 

So many parts of what Jill says, hits home to ME!!
Looking forward to starting a new way for me :) 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Goal setting...

For me, setting a goal used to be easy. I had big dreams.. as the years went by my goal setting went by the wayside as I would always let myself down. So I started not to bother.. Part of Michelle's program in the pre season tasks, is to set goals.. breaking them down into smaller parts..
With our 15th wedding anniversary coming up this year, and since we are going on a holiday.. I reallly want to look Great in our photos.. I want to be HOT.. (apart from the saggy skin that I'm expecting!)
Friends & Family that have seen that I have already lost weight, tell me I look good.. My hubby (bless him) says I am beautiful and have a beautiful body.. I can't take him seriously. I look at myself and think YUCK! (I guess love really IS blind)

So my goal setting is this:
In ONE month...
I want to be exercising a minimum of 6days a week.. and Increasing the time I'm working out..
I want to have lost around 5kgs.

Seems achievable.. I hope!

In 3months...
I want to have lost 15kgs. (5kgs a month is doable)
Be able to run 2kms non stop.
AND Climb TableTop Mountain. (for those of you who aren't local, table top is a "hill" that my kids can climb.. the track is a bit rugged) I can probably climb it now, but being the scaredy I am, I won't try YET.

In 6 Months...
Lose 30kgs (sounds like a lot, but it fits in with the recommended weight loss!)
Run 5kms with ease. For those that know me, I am not a runner.. Come on.. If i run down the hallway my kids are shocked!! lol But I hear others saying how nice it is to go for a jog, and it relieves stress.. etc  I want to give it a go.

In 12 Months...
I want to be at my goal weight/size. Now I never disclose how much I weigh.. (its too embarassing) but I want to have lost around 50kgs. that will take me down to pre baby weight.. actually less than pre baby weight. (I was a little tubby before i had baby #1)
I am not going to set a clothes size.. I have had 5 kids, with that comes body changes that just never go back.. I will have saggy skin (and in my future goals will also be a tummy tuck) I have never had a dream of wearing a bikini.. (I'm a cover up type of person) but who knows.. WHEN I get there, my whole confidence will most likely change. I know the rough weight I want to be.. so when I get there.. What ever clothes size I am, I will be happy.. But for now.. Any size less than the one I'm currently wearing is always a bonus!!

So there we have it.. my goals set out. Now for the  motivation and mindset to actually achieve them!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year, New Me - This IS going to be MY year!

Ok, 2011 was a crappy year. And not JUST for me.. the floods that hit toowoomba (and flooded my loungeroom) surgery that went wrong (post op bleed after gall bladder removal) that resulted in me being sick for months. That put an end to me doing the 12wbt last year. I was really disappointed. And then my mental health took a back slide. 

Christmas happened, Holidays happened, and School is about to start back.. so its back to reality. And where that starts for me, is Weight Loss!! Yep Again. 

After Losing 40kgs last year (and putting some back on) I know I can do it!!
This time I am going to do the 12wbt. pre season tasks open today YAY. There are quite a few local girls which will be a great motivator. 

Keeping myself accountable is of great importance for me. This last week I have already started watching what goes in my mouth. Cut out 99% of the added sugar, increased water intake.. And I managed to lose 2.2kgs. So when I head back to the gym (when the kids start school) I can just imagine how much will start dropping off! 
Tonight I WILL start walking again. (No Excuses)
And I will Get the before photo taken later today. (EEK)

So that's about it... Day 1 summed up